Start Here

If you are hosting an event and/or looking to promote one, take a look below at our guidelines! Once you have read the process, you may fill out our event promotion form if your event fits within our time limit.


Promotional Timeline

Read our promotional timeline to learn more about when and how we promote your event!

  • 60 Days

    At 60 days out, we need a completed Event Promotion Form. Once your form has been sent, we will add your event to our church calendar.

  • 30 Days

    At 30 days out, we will promote your event in the avenues that fit best. Please see Communication Channels below for more info.

  • 2 Weeks

    At 2 weeks out, we will highlight your event in our Wellspring Weekly. We will also have flyers/cards ready if it applies to your event. 

  • 1 Week

    It's a week before your event! You will see more social media posts and sharing happening in the days leading up to your event!


Communication Channels


Our church bulletin is a great way to let our church family know about an upcoming event. Events need to be internal (put on by Wellspring and it's ministry leaders) and your announcement needs to apply to at least 50% of church attenders to be in our bulletin.

Wellspring Weekly

Our Wellspring Weekly gets sent out to many of our church attenders, members, and friends of Wellspring. We promote events, bible studies, and committee updates here. However, internal events take precedence over events outside of our church. While we only make room for 2 highlighted events at a given time, we always attach a link to our full church calendar.

Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting to the masses! We create facebook events that can be shared, posts that update followers on event details, and follow up photos of the event. We post based on timelines and creative branding boundaries.  These may vary based on your event or what you are trying to promote. 

Don't underestimate the power of your own area of influence!

Sometimes promoting your event may not fit within the guidelines we've set, but you have the power to promote your event! Use your area of influence to let people know what you have going on!